Our customized individual coaching programs

We offer 3 programs that can be followed independently or complement each other, depending on your level, needs and objectives.

Step up

Dare to position yourself and push your limits.

Focus on preparation to improve your speaking skills.

Know how to use your resources to manage stage fright and emotions.

Stepping up means daring to show off, present yourself and talk about yourself with confidence.

Stand out from the crowd and take your place.

Aim for authenticity and emotion when speaking.

Make your presentations effective and fun.

Speaking up is about giving yourself the means to be heard and to talk about yourself with authenticity!

Speak Up

Power up

Achieving performance.

Aim for naturalness, elegance, credibility and presence in front of your audience.

Cultivate and nurture your speaking skills.

Power up is about taking your place in the light and sharing your message with intention.

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